The airport – a town within a city

Copenhagen Airport is home to more than 17,000 employees and 800 companies. As such, it is the country's largest workplace. Here you will meet a multitude of tasks, skills and personalities. Everyone contributes to giving passengers from all over the world a good and safe experience, from the moment they arrive until they leave the airport.

The overall responsibility for operating and developing the airports in Copenhagen and Roskilde lies with Copenhagen Airports A/S (CPH) and its approximately 2,700 employees. At this company, you will be able to work with e.g. air traffic planning, safety for both passengers and aircraft, and operating and developing the airport's facilities and infrastructure. Please note that in order to work for CPH, you have to be able to speak, write and read Danish. 

If you prefer to work with e.g. passenger check-in, baggage and freight handling or in one of the terminals' many shops and eateries, please visit the websites of some of the other companies in the airport.