Did you lost your baggage?

If you are still at the airport
If your luggage has not arrived on the carousel along with the rest of the baggage, you should immediately go to “Baggage Service” at the baggage claim area.

If you have gone home without your luggage
If you have gone home without your luggage, you should contact the handling company that your airline partners with. It is the handling company that transports all the baggage to and from the planes.

You can see which handling company your airline has chosen to manage your baggage:

Find your handling company


What is allowed and not allowed in your baggage?

What is permitted and prohibited in your carry-on and checked baggage.

You'll find answers to everything from hairdryers, knitting needles, scissors, power banks, medication and much more.

Read about allowed items


A safe journey

Many questions can arise when going through an airport. At Customer Service, we will do our best to ensure you have a safe and pleasant experience.

If you have any questions, we are ready to help via email, phone, and social media. Additionally, you can always ask the staff who are walking around in the terminals.

Contact Customer Service